Star Struck

Past Exhibit
Start Date:
January 10, 2023
End Date:
April 29, 2023

Star quilts were popular as early as the 1800s. Historically, star quilts featured one large lone star that covered most of the top of a quilt. However, they can either be constructed using diamonds or by using a mix of squares and triangles. Overtime, variations grew, with 4, 6, and 8 points, and star motifs have been used in many different ways. From holding religious meaning to conveying political messages, star quilts remain a popular motif. This exhibit will highlight the evolution of star quilts and the different meanings they hold. Come stargaze with us and learn the history of quilts through the stars.

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A 1990s quilt replicating a common pattern from the early 19th century, made by Hazel Carter.
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